Ski Solution 360

​A complete versatile sales system. Each of the systems necessary for the automation of your ski school are available at Ski Solution 360; direct sales, vending machines, itinerant sales with integrated payment system, ski rental, merchandising, control of nurseries, etc.

As well as Booking, internet sales, CRM system, and everything centralized through our web portal; MDEGO. BDR Ski Solution 360 is a unique modular solution, conceived and designed for the world of ski schools.

All versions of Bdr Ski Solution 360 are available in multiple languages. Ski Solution manages, optimizes and guarantees the quotas for the courses and groups, as well as the planning of monitors.


The Ski Solution Webshop system (Online Sales), allows you to sell any product from your school or Ski Resort, through the internet, which can then be picked up at your POS, Automata or SMART POS machines, using your QR code.

It has never been so easy to sell group courses, private classes, kindergarten, activities and other complementary services. All this, interacting in real time with the planning and quotas.

Nuestro Ski Solution Webshop, se integra totalmente en su entorno web corporativo con un perfecto look&feel.

In addition to doing it obviously, in our cash register system and consequently in your accounting environment, be it MS Dynamics Axapta, Navision or any other.​

As an alternative to our BDR WebShop, and if you already have an online sales system, our Open BDR Connectivity will allow you to easily integrate your cart with the entire domain. Open BDR Connectivity is currently available and integrated with the main Booking systems on the market.


From MDEGO you will be able to carry out all kinds of operations and configurations. Allowing to modify or add all the rates, calendars, clients, products, etc. through a secure intranet and being able to control all systems.

Le proporcionamos soluciones tecnológicas con  acceso web seguro, mediante cualquier dispositivo, fijo o móvil. Podrá obtener toda la información de cajas, de pasajes, etc. También de comparativos con las temporadas anteriores y muchos más datos estadísticos.

MDEGO operates as a control panel, centralizing all the data on tickets, cashiers, Smart Pos, restaurants, schools, stores, etc. From this technological tool, companies will be able to carry out all kinds of operations; ski pass blocks, ticket control, box configurations, etc.

You will know at any time the number of skiers in your domain, for each of your lifts or accesses, as well as the exact number of people who are at that moment in each sector.

MDEGO Dashboard

POS Ticketing

Our ticketing system is approved by the world's leading track access control manufacturers, the POS system makes work easier for companies through RFID technology. With complete integration into your entire access control, administrative and reporting environment.​

El Ski Solution Pos, permite vender, de forma modular todos los productos necesarios en una escuela de esquí; particulares, cursillos, colectivas y colectivas “flexibles”, bonos de horas, alquiler, actividades, jardín de infancia, guardería etc.

All the different products can be issued by means of tickets with a QR code or there is the possibility of recording them on wristbands or other electronic devices.

It is integrated with the best Booking systems. Similarly, it can be integrated with your own online sales system, through our "Open Bdr Connectivity". What will allow its operators to be able to deliver the reservations of the agencies, or the purchases of individuals sold on the internet, through their QR code. No fraud and no photocopies!

The POS is integrated with different payment methods and bank gateways. The forms of payment of our POS are multiple and simultaneous, being able to pay at the same time with several modalities. From Ski Solution Pos, you have access to monitor schedules. Being able to perform sales tasks, reservations, etc. in a very intuitive way and you will be able to send e-mails of the reservations to your clients.

BDR POS also includes some of the most relevant deposit systems worldwide. What will allow you to simultaneously sell the ski pass + the locker.

Smart POS

Ski Solution Smart POS, is configured in a very simple and intuitive way, through our MDEGO. In addition, it will allow you to sell a wide variety of products and services, such as private classes interacting in real time with the schedule, workshops, group activities, nurseries, kindergarten, childhood, etc.

Like Ski Solution POS, Smart POS is integrated with different payment modes; Clearone, Sipay, etc. It is fully integrated with our Ski Solution Webshop, specifically designed for ski schools.

What will allow your customers to collect reservations made online, using the QR code of their vouchers. With full guarantee.

Smart POS, will also be able to connect, (if you already have one), with your own "Booking" system, through our "Open Bdr Connectivity". And integrate it with your billing and accounting system.​


Ski Solution IPOS, will allow you to sell any product of your school in an autonomous and itinerant way, through a last generation mobile device, equipped with payment with bank cards and integrated printer. You will be able to have a prominent salesperson in a hotel or any other place far from the school.

Giving your customers great service and great comfort, anticipating your competition.

All the products work in real time with the planning and/or the quotas of courses, groups and activities. And it will allow you to view and interact with the planning.


With SKICARE you will have access to a BDR Informatica insurance control and management portal where we create resources to help both insurers and medical centers, which can be accessed through different access profiles to the secure system website. In short, it is an insurance management portal. Focused on doctors, insurers, etc...


Your planning, on your mobile device and many more.

You will be able to see your monitors in the planning, through any mobile device. It also allows remote marking of the monitors.

In addition, it is also available in Web mode, which will facilitate the operation of reservations, absences, etc... to the secretaries and system administrators, who will be able to carry out an endless number of tasks, through the Internet. Thus promoting teleworking.


Total autonomy and yield of your collective classes in a flexible way.

It will allow its clients to reserve the days of assistance to the group workshops in a flexible format, through a website, from the comfort of their home, or from their mobile devices.

You only have to allocate the places for those attending the course, and FLEXIGO will help you manage it. FLEXIGO saves the school from tedious management, while guaranteeing places and avoiding possible overbookings.


Do not leave your reservations in the air. The Ski Solution Booking system handles payment and confirmation automatically.

The ski solution booking system will allow you to manage your reservations. And you can send a cyber payment to your customer.

The system will not definitively confirm the reservation until your client pays through the bank gateway, using the cyber payment sent by e-mail.

Once the reservation is entered by one of your sales advisors, the system automatically controls the planning of the monitor or the quotas for the courses. Subsequently, you will send an email with a hyperlink or cyber payment to your client.

And it will keep the reservation of the planning during the days that you consider appropriate. If after these days your client does not execute the payment through the hyperlink, the reservation will be automatically canceled, releasing the monitoring schedule.

On the contrary, once the payment has been made, the system confirms it and will leave the schedule marked with the class assigned and sold.


The RENT system is fully integrated natively, with our SKI SOLUTION POS, BOOKING AND WEBSHOP.

What will allow you to rent and sell materials, both directly at your own school or rental, as well as from the internet, through our SKI SOLUTION, BOOKING, WEBSHOP, etc. Control your rental materials, integrated with SKI SOLUTION POS.

SKI SOLUTION RENT, va a facilitar su entrega y recogida de material, a través de dispositivos móviles. Agilizando su trabajo. Además, integra las ventas sobre nuestro MDEGO, que le va a permitir desde terminales móviles, tablets o desde la web, poder ver en tiempo real todas las ventas de su Ski Solution RENT.


Gestiona su guardería y jardín de infancia. Mediante pulseras eléctronicas de última generación o con sus forfaits RFID. 

Ski solution KIDS helps you manage all the problems related to your kindergarten. Pathologies, food allergies etc. Natively integrated with our POS, SMART POS, Booking and WebShop.

Upon receipt of the minor, all the necessary data is collected and their entry is recorded using an electronic bracelet. The system records all the “actions” that can be carried out with the minor. Like now giving a bottle, food, changing diapers, taking it out to the patio, etc. All this with a mobile Android device and through the electronic bracelet. It controls food allergies and other pathologies, which will be very useful for their caregivers.

Open BDR Connectivity

BDR Informatica facilitates collaboration between different providers and allows in an easy and friendly way the different integrations that some programs need with others, or these with platforms and means of payment. We bring you the best IT solution through third party integrations.

It is for this reason that Open Bdr Connectivity (Bdr OBC) was born, a standard and simple tool for the integration of third parties. Through which, the connections with the different applications are established; “Soft. catering”, sale of lockers, Axapta, Navision, schools, ticket offices, rentals or any other system.

​Having any other ERP and CRM solution, our Bdr Ski Solution 360 can be easily integrated through our OBC.​