The data of your company, more secure than ever

We offer cloud-based services with our layered protection and automatic monitoring. 
If you want to have your company's server in the cloud, your business page, or a place to store your company's data, we are your best technological ally.
Shall we talk?

Discover our Cloud services


Our team is specialized in anticipating, preventing, detecting and managing computer security problems.

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  BDR Cloud

We offer cloud-based services with our layered protection and automatic monitoring.

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BDR Backup

We cannot predict the future but we can anticipate. With BDR Backup we configure protected and controlled backups.

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BDR Drive

You have a private cloud, maintaining a high level of control, security and privacy.

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BDR Cloud


Protected, secure and monitored

For us, security comes first, and right when migrating your current server or creating a new one, you'll enjoy state-of-the-art protection.

  Somos expertos en ciberseguridad

Your company's data is a valuable asset. To ensure its custody and security, we offer multiple configuration options and plans accessible to all types of companies.

  Configurable, a medida o gestionado

At the end of this page you will be able to see the different standard configurations that we have, but if you need a specific configuration, do not hesitate to contact us.


Cybersecurity is one of the main challenges for companies and organizations in the new scenarios of the digital economy.

Guaranteeing the protection of information has transcended the circumstantial and preventive scope, currently constituting a strategic need for corporate and industrial development

 ¿Quieres saber más sobre our Security service?

BDR Backup


We will take care of making backup copies of your data and, at the same time, we periodically review the status of your system and the backup copies made. It's time to stop worrying, free up mental space and leave backup management in good hands, simply by hiring the service.

We clone or make snapshots of your computer or server, both physical and virtualized at any time, so in any case you can always revert to the previous state, without losing any information!

The data of your projects will always be safe in Anh Backup, you can restore your backups whenever you want and, that's it!

Configura o diseña tu sistema de copias de seguridad con nosotros. 

BDR Drive


You can access while you travel

  Disponible en varios dispositivos, lo que significa que puede acceder a todos sus archivos incluso mientras viaja.

Easy to use cloud storage

BDR Drive is an easy-to-use end-to-end cloud storage solution built with the end user in mind.

Baseline security, no worries

Data security is our top priority and we do our best to implement appropriate measures.

You can share files

With BDR Drive's multiple file sharing options, you can send and receive files to and from anyone.


1. Request a demo

You can contact our commercial department to request a demonstration of the service in the form that you will find below at the bottom of this page.

2. Access your Private Area

Through the button located in the upper right corner, you can access and identify yourself to start enjoying your cloud storage.​

Office 365

Do you want to work in the cloud?

Reduce your expenses and dare to be more productive with the most up-to-date software. Working in the cloud allows your team universal access to the applications they may need, which in turn gives you the freedom to choose which Office package best suits your needs.

From wherever

With the cloud you can access your work from any device and from any location.

 En colaboración

Work in real time on the same document with your team and avoid wasting time and taking up space.

 Siempre al día

You won't have to update, since Office 365 includes the updates and installs them automatically.

 Cuidando la seguridad

We guarantee state-of-the-art protection so that your data is safe and kept private.

We are your ideal partner in cloud solutions


Register a new subscription or cancel a subscription when you need it.

Personal advice

Still not clear? Contact us and we will advise you on the best package for your company.

Extended support

We help you with all queries from installation support to subscription management.

Success stories

Many of our customers have moved to Office 365 because of its large storage capacity per user. They are companies from different sectors and with different needs, but they all agree on the change that Office 365 brought to their organization.